Thursday, 29 March 2012

How To Control Facebook Addiction Among Teenagers

Tips For Parent in Keeping Children’s Facebook usage under control:

  • How to determine if something is excessive: Ask yourself a series of questions: Do your children still have offline friends? Are they still involved in after-school activities and sports?
  • Keep an eye on what your teens are posting on Facebook and how often they're posting it. If you see that they're changing their status every half hour and during school hours, something's wrong.
·    Measure your children's activities against those of their friends. If they are much more active on Facebook than their friends are, take note of that. If you believe your teens are at risk, you can use monitoring software that will automatically record what they're posting and when they're posting it. One monitoring site is

·    Make use of parental control software products that allow you to control how much time your teen spends online from their computers., and are a few of the many sites that offer such software.

·    Recognize that your teen can log into Facebook from his or her X-Box, cellphone or from most mobile gaming devices. According to Facebook, more than 65 million active users of the Web site sign on to the social networking site through their mobile devices. That means your teen doesn't have to be sitting in front of his or her laptop or desktop computer to go online.

·    Trust your gut. If something seems wrong, examine all aspects of your children's life, including their computer and social networking use.


  1. Velu;
    For me, all users must be to take control of your Facebook privacy settings. That's an excellent idea. The first thing to do is not to think of them as "privacy" settings. Think instead of them as "publicity" or even "celebrity" settings: they decide how public or how much of a "celebrity" you're choosing to be.

    1. Sakinah:
      yes, i agree with you Velu because i always do this for my safety. this is the first best way to control the facebook.

    2. SHARINA:
      Yes i agree with you all. because nowdays especialy teenagers always do anything that can damage them self. For example facebook

    3. MUIZ:
      Sharina, my opinion when teenagers very obses with something, so they want to try it and parents should control their children. In this case, parents must known what their child doing.

  2. MUIZ:
    I agree with all your opinion because today's teens more throw their time more to evil compared goodness.

  3. You are absolutely right!Internet is very harmful for kids at present time and parental control software provides a nice opportunity to protect the kids.

    Parental Control Software
